Grant St. Affordable Housing: City Council Action

Grant St. Affordable Housing: City Council Action

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At the May 3rd City Council Meeting, Durham CAN leaders will speak in support of an agenda item to approve the donation of two city-owned lots in the historic Hayti community to Durham Community Land Trust (DCLT). DCLT plans to build affordable homes on those lots and rent/sell them to low-income, long-term community members, and to ensure that those homes remain affordable for community members in perpetuity (forever). 

 As part of racist Urban Renewal policies in 1970, the building of the Durham Freeway irrevocably harmed the prosperous Black Hayti community.  Thousands of Hayti families were displaced from their homes.  By creating affordable home-ownership opportunities in Hayti, the city can take a small step toward justice.


May 03, 2021 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Live Stream