2025 New Year message for Durham CAN Clergy
Don't Grow Weary: Finding Strength in Our Sacred Calling
*A Message for the First Clergy Caucus of 2025*
- Bishop Clarence Laney, Pastor, Monument of Faith Church
Galatians 6:9 speaks to us today in two powerful translations:
NRSV tells us: "So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at
harvest time, if we do not give up."
The Message translation renders it: "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing
good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up or quit.'
Here we are at the first Clergy Caucus of 2025, gathering in the week before we
celebrate Dr. King's birth, and yes, on the eve of another presidential inauguration. The
sacred seasons of Christmas and Passover have concluded. We've performed
countless weddings, funerals, christenings, baptisms, and bar mitzvahs. And now we
stand ready to begin anew.
Let us be honest this morning and confess: many of us are beginning another year
weary, fatigued, and simply tired.
We are still emerging from the shadow of a global pandemic while simultaneously:
- Grieving the recent deaths of loved ones
- Witnessing the surge in mass shootings across these yet-to-be United States
- Confronting escalating gun violence in our beloved city
- Defending women's reproductive rights
- Fighting the banning of books that attempts to whitewash African American history
- Watching the normalization of white supremacy from the highest offices
This is overwhelming—yet we persist. We continue to:
- Write sermons
- Plan worship
- Visit the sick
- Bury the dead
- Manage congregational conflicts
- Oversee budgets
- Lead committee meetings
- Attend clergy caucus
- Organize our congregations
It's enough to make us want to holler, throw up our hands, and walk away. But Paul tells
us not to grow weary in doing good. Because we are called to serve this present age,
most of us will remain steadfast, committed to the task at hand.
Yet in our weariness, we ask ourselves:
- How do we keep going?
- How do we replenish ourselves?
- How do we tie a knot and hang on?
I find myself seeking answers to these very questions. For guidance, I turn to two
wellsprings of wisdom: my sacred text and our ancestors. They know intimately of
weariness and fatigue. They understand firsthand what it means to push against
seemingly insurmountable odds. Though weary thousands of times, they kept moving,
organizing, marching, and demanding change.
For this theological framework, I bring forth the words of the late Reverend
Congressman John Lewis, who teaches us how to persevere:
"Your faith has the power to sustain you through the worst that you can imagine. Each
of us has something significant to contribute to society—be it physical, material,
intellectual, emotional, or spiritual. Each of us is born for a reason, to serve a divine
purpose. If the structures of our lives do not contribute to that purpose, or if they
complicate our ability to live, to be free and to be happy, or even worse, if they lead to
the confines of oppression, then we seek change, sometimes radical change, even
revolution, to satisfy the yearning of our souls."
The late Congressman John Lewis embodied this spirit of holy persistence. From the
Edmund Pettus Bridge to the halls of Congress, he demonstrated what it means to keep
going when weariness sets in. He was beaten, arrested 45 times, yet he never gave up.
Even in his final days, he visited Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C., showing
us that the work of justice knows no retirement.
Lewis stood alongside giants who showed us what it means to persist: Fannie Lou
Hamer, who kept fighting despite brutal beatings in a Mississippi jail; Ella Baker, who
worked tirelessly behind the scenes, organizing and empowering young people; Medgar
Evers, who continued his voter registration work even under constant death threats; and
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who pressed on despite bombings, imprisonment, and
assassination attempts.
These freedom fighters understood something profound about weariness – that it's not
the absence of fatigue that defines us, but what we do when we're tired. They taught us
that rest is not surrender. Indeed, they practiced what Howard Thurman called "the
rhythm of engagement and retreat." They knew when to march and when to pray, when
to push and when to prepare.
Consider the Montgomery Bus Boycott. For 381 days, our people walked. They were
tired – bone tired – but they kept walking. Domestic workers, after long days cleaning
other people's homes, walked miles more to their homes. They were weary, yes, but
they transformed their fatigue into fuel for the movement.
Their example teaches us three enduring lessons about persisting through weariness:
First, they didn't carry the burden alone. The freedom fighters created networks of
support, communities of care. When one grew weary, others stepped forward. As Ella
Baker said, "Strong people don't need strong leaders." They need each other.
Second, they anchored their work in something greater than their own strength.
Whether in church basements or around kitchen tables, they drew power from their faith
and their connection to community. Their weariness was holy – a testament to their
commitment to God's justice.
Third, they understood that weariness itself could be a sign of being on the right path.
As Rev. Dr. King noted, "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every
step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless
exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."
We may be weary but as my ancestors would often sing in the spiritual:
Oh, walk together children
Don't you get weary
Walk together children
Don't you get weary
Walk together children
Don't you get weary
There's a great camp meeting in the promised land
Goin' to mourn and never tire,
Mourn and never tire,
Mourn and never tire,
There's a great camp meeting in the promised land
Bertie County teacher housing
Bertie County leads with Universal Free Lunch and now, teacher housing.
For 50 years, Texas IAF organizing group has drawn on Catholic roots
Since 1974, the Texas Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and its local affiliate organizations have worked to address issues such as infrastructure in underserved communities, public school funding, and workforce development and education programs.
Catholic bishops have supported the effort since its inception. And for its members and organizers, the work is perfectly aligned with Catholic social teaching.
Read the full article HERE
Orange County Justice United Supports St. Paul A.M.E. Church to Build Affordable Housing in Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood
Metro IAF News
100+ ONE Wake Members Call on Zebulon Candidates to Save, Expand SmartRide. Story here.
A Theological Reflection for These Times
Bishop Clarence Laney, Pastor of Monument of Faith Church in Durham, offered the following reflection to frame the conversation at the Durham CAN Clergy Caucus meeting on November 14, 2023.
Scripture Reference; Nehemiah 2:1-5
In the Hebrew scriptures is recorded one of my favorite biblical narratives, the story of Nehemiah. I love this book because much of what occurs in Nehemiah parallels our time.
In the narrative Nehemiah became aware of the desperate situation in Jerusalem while serving as cupbearer for Artaxerxes I. The book opens with Nehemiah’s prayer that God would act favorably toward Israel and restore its identity as the People of God. Nehemiah’s prayer and concern for the struggling Hebrew people of God living in Jerusalem moved him to put a risky plan into action. As the wine taster for the king, Nehemiah had privileged access to him. Nehemiah’s heart is heavy for the people living in Jerusalem, and he allows the king to observe his depression while serving him wine. He could not serve in peace in this place of privilege while his brothers and sisters were in harm's way. Such a show of negative emotion in the presence of the King could very well have cost Nehemiah his life. The king immediately noticed the sad demeanor and demanded to know the reason Nehemiah was downcast. Nehemiah breathed a quick prayer and then tactfully explained that the city, the place of my ancestors’ graves, lies waste. Touched by Nehemiah’s explanation, the king granted his request to return to his homeland to rebuild the city of his ancestors’ graves. Nehemiah was not part of the priestly guild. He was a layman committed to doing the work of the Lord wherever he found a need, and he used his influential appointment as the cupbearer to further God’s work.1
Many of us were shocked and saddened as we watched the life leave the body of George Floyd. 8 minutes and 46 seconds later Floyd was dead. His death sparked international protest as white, Asian, Latinx, and Blacks shouted Black Lives Matter. Many of us joined the protest, we preached about racism and white supremacy some of us for the first time. Yet, almost three years after the death of George Floyd have any of us used our privilege and taken our concerns to the powers that be. Have we become comfortable in our own silos? We say we are troubled by the war between Israel and Hamas but what are we doing about it? We say we are concerned about the crime, poverty, and the lack of affordable housing but what are we willing to do about it? Do we have any skin in the game?
Take a moment!!! Listen closely, what do you hear? The silence of good people. Unlike Nehemiah we have allowed our proximity to power to silence us. While those in privilege are making lots of noise celebrating the growth and development of our beloved city. While the cries of the poor are being muffled. My sisters and brothers, like Nehemiah our faces should be disheveled when we see these atrocities. We should weep when we see the condition of the poor. Let not criminalize poverty to ease our conscience. Rather, like Nehemiah let’s go to power, organize the people and build a fair and equitable Durham for all of her residents. Let’s make a commitment to this work. In the words of the late Congressman Rev. John Lewis; "Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble." He goes on to say “We have been too quiet for too long. There comes a time when you have to say something. You have to make a little noise. You have to move your feet. This is the time.”
1 Adapted from The Spiritual Formation Bible, Harper San Francisco, page 681-682.
Our Response To Gun Violence
Ten years ago (2013), almost to the day, Bishop Clarence Laney, Monument of Faith Church, stood before a packed Delegates Assembly at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Durham and spoke to us about Durham CAN’s response to gun violence. Ten years later, gun violence has not abated. It has only gotten worse. We should remember and reflect. Is it time to engage once again in this issue? Here is an excerpt of Bishop Laney’s words:
“You should not stay idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed. Leviticus 19:16”
When we reflect on this mandate – to not stand idly by while 30,000 American lives are lost each year to gun violence – we know we are called not just to act, but to act strategically and effectively. Not just to hold a candle for the victims, but to use our power to try to prevent future senseless deaths.
Even when statistics show crime has decreased in Durham since 2007, we look with great concern at the impact of gun violence in our community.
Any incident of gun crime is one too many.
Notwithstanding the tragic loss of human life and related trauma, gun violence costs all of us in terms of employee productivity; medical care and emergency transport; courtroom hours; increased home and business insurance; school expulsions and the student’s potential to drop out. Gun violence also affects our community’s image and economic vitality….
We do not have a great deal of trust in the ability of the US Congress to pass this kind of legislation any time soon.On this issue, power is concentrated in the hands of the CEO’s of the companies that make and sell guns in the American market. These companies have the power to save lives by adopting a set of responsible practices and standards.
And, the people with the greatest power to persuade the gun manufacturers to adopt these steps are their largest customers: the nation’s military, and police departments across the country. Collectively they – we, the taxpayers – buy 40 percent of the guns in America. Shouldn’t the companies we, the taxpayers, buy guns from be industry leaders in terms of practices that will save lives?
You now need to show an NC driver’s license or other “acceptable photo ID” to vote with a regular ballot, beginning in the fall of 2023.
For the first time since 2016, NC voters will need photo ID to vote. Democracy NC compiled helpful info about the new requirement, including how to get free help obtaining an ID. (Tip: NC voters can now obtain ID from election offices in all 100 counties!)
Are we losing our ability to lament gun violence?
One of Durham CAN's four Research Action Teams is focused on Gun Violence. Faith and Leadership, a learning resource for Christian leaders and their institutions from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity School, recently published an article by Aleta Payne, entitled Are we losing our ability to lament gun violence? You can read the article here: https://faithandleadership.com/are-we-losing-our-ability-lament-gun-violence.
Metro IAF News
How Fines and Fees Stop Us From Paying Our Debt to Society

By Stephon Whitley and Boris Franklin for The Star- Ledger
August 7, 2022
Boris Franklin, left, and Stephon Whitley say they left prison, but prison did not leave them.
They were saddled with debts due to a system of fines and fees in our justice system that exploits
the most captive of captive audiences.
We were released from the New Jersey prison system, after serving lengthy sentences for crimes that we committed, over three years ago. However, we are still not free. The whole notion of ʻpaying your debt to society,’ which for us meant imprisonment for a combined total of more than 30 years, did not end when we walked out of the prison gates.
We left prison, but prison did not leave us because while we were denied the opportunity to take our treasured library of books that we had studied in our cells while earning college degrees, we were saddled with debts due to a system of fines and fees that exploit the most captive of captive audiences.
The extraction starts the moment someone is arrested, long before he or she is convicted of any crime, with an immediate $50 county jail processing fee. Imagine if, after every traffic stop, before it’s been determined that a motor vehicle offense has occurred, that the officer slapped you with a $50 charge for just pulling you over.
Once incarcerated, every single need that a prisoner has — for food; communications by telephone, email or video calls; for MoneyGrams; for medical care; for the opportunity to attend the funeral of an immediate family member – is used to impoverish those with almost no ability to pay. For instance, a cup of Ramen Noodles, which costs 28 cents at Walmart, costs $1.03 in the county jail commissary.
One of us spent an average of $100 at the commissary monthly, including a 10% surcharge on every purchase. During a 20-year sentence, that meant $2,400 in surcharges were paid. Surcharges
permeate every transaction — $5 for every visit to the medical area, $1 for every mediation, 30% of income earned while in a halfway house before final and full release.
One of us could not attend the funeral of his son because the cost imposed by the prison system — anywhere from $400 to $800, depending on the distance — was more than he had. And while
incarcerated, the interest for outstanding motor vehicle tickets just continues to build, as does the amount that the prisoner owes for child support, even though there is no possible way that an individual can pay off those traffic tickets or maintain a child support payment while in custody.
This spider’s web of fines and fees ensnares every incarcerated person. One of us left prison with approximately $56,000 in debt.
While there is a great deal of discussion about equity, while high-level committees and task forces are deliberating, sometimes endlessly, about the need to end the exploitation of African Americans, Hispanics, and all those who are excluded from the mainstream of American social life, this system of fines and fees grinds on.
It extracts from those least able to defend themselves, those with no choices and no options. It systematically widens the gap between those who can build wealth and those who are saddled with heavier and heavier debts. It makes all those conferences and committees look like just new ways of delaying the task of correcting these inequities.
Those serious about social justice and reducing recidivism don’t need any more time to dismantle this system. They can begin now, piece by piece, by reducing fines and fees, by enabling those incarcerated to live decently while in prison and freely, free of burdensome debt, once released.
Boris Franklin is the lead organizer of Jersey City Together.
Stephon Whitley is an organizer with ONE Wake in North Carolina. Both organizations are affiliates of Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, a network of citizen organizations working on a wide range of issues, including criminal justice reform.
Public Comment on the 2022 Qualified Allocation Plan for the Distribution of NC Low Income Housing Tax Credits
Thanks to our Affordable Housing Finance Training this past spring, Durham CAN leaders learned about the different tools available for creating affordable housing. One such tool, The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), is the largest federally-funded affordable housing program; every year, North Carolina receives nearly $30 million dollars to fund the private construction of affordable housing residences. LIHTC are used to cover construction financing gaps that result from lower rent costs in projects like the newly-built Willard St. apartments in downtown. In order to receive Tax Credits, teams of developers, designers, and investors apply through a competitive application process. Applications are then scored across various categories, including site conditions, local housing needs, service to specific underserviced groups, design standards, and more. The scoring guidelines are outlined in the North Carolina Housing Authority's (NCHFA) Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). Because the competition for Tax Credits is intense, Tax Credit developers design their housing projects to achieve maximum scoring under QAP scoring categories. Thus, the QAP has a major impact on which populations are served, the types of projects that are undertaken and, indirectly, where affordable housing is built.
To better center the needs of residents in the allocation of this extremely powerful affordable housing resource, Durham CAN gave public comment on the annual QAP draft. Our comments centered around ways to preserve the affordability of LIHTC developments, improve the rights of LIHTC residents, increase maintenance standards and regulations, and create practices that pursue racial equity and justice. It is our hope that by sharing our perspective as a community organization that is deeply rooted in relationships with residents, LIHTC developments will become an empowering platform for upward mobility that begin to reverse historic reproductions of systemic inequity in Durham and across NC. On August 31st, Durham CAN leaders will meet with Scott Farmer-- the executive director of NCHFA-- to discuss these goals and our public comment. View our comments in their entirety at the link above.
Public Comment | Draft NCHFA Homeowners Assistance Fun (HAF) Plan
North Carolina was allocated $273 million from the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), which was established through the American Rescue Plan to prevent mortgage delinquencies, defaults, displacements, and foreclosures for homeowners experiencing financial difficulties after January 21, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Durham CAN offered public comment to the NC Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) to guide the development of the HAF allocation plan, which will open this fall. It is our priority that the HAF addresses disparities faced by BIPOC homeowners, who make up more than half of those currently at risk of losing their homes. Investing HAF in land trust models would preserve existing affordability, reduce tax burdens, and serve as a tool to prevent displacement. Read our full comment below:
Date: June 23, 2021
To: North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NHFA)
Re: Public Comments on Draft NCHFA Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) Plan
Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods (CAN) is a broad-based, community organization that works to coalesce, train, and organize the communities of Durham across religious, racial, ethnic, class, and neighborhood lines for the public good. Our primary goal is to develop local leadership and organized power to fight for social justice. We strive to hold both public and private power holders accountable for their public responsibilities, as well as to solve deep community social and economic problems. Durham CAN is affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation, the nation’s oldest and largest community organizing network.
Over the course of our 22 year history, the creation and preservation of low-income, workforce and affordable housing has remained a top priority for our 30+ member institutions. And through our campaigns calling for the construction of affordable housing, on public land, in close proximity to public transportation, we’ve come to understand NCHFA’s significance with regard to the state’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. According to the Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey data from January 2020 to February 1, 2021, of the 2.6 million homeowners who are currently past-due on their mortgages (as reported by the Mortgage Bankers Association) over half of them are people of color. We hope to see the $273 million HAF allocation deployed across North Carolina in ways that make real the commitments of our public institutions and officials to dismantling systems of racism and white supremacy. We submit the following comments for your review and incorporation in the final draft of the HAF Plan:
(1) Add a map and list for the Urban Counties with Federally Designated Census Tracts in Table 7 (For example, Durham has 18 tracts listed with no further information which makes it difficult to know which communities are targeted in this category).
(2) Designate up to 50% of the total funding for the launch and implementation of a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Homeownership Stabilization Pilot Program based on a shared equity model that would stabilize homeowners by "buying" their home into a land trust. This would also reduce tax liability, secure more permanently affordable housing without having to build it, and serve as an anti-displacement strategy.
Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods
Public Comments on City Council Work Session Agenda Item #25 Update on Disposition and Redevelopment of the Property Located at 505 W. Chapel Hill Street
Date: May 6, 2021
To: Durham City Council
Re: Public Comments on City Council Work Session Agenda Item #25 Update on Disposition and Redevelopment of the Property Located at 505 W. Chapel Hill Street
On Monday, May 3rd, we learned about the Fallon Company’s decision to terminate their Purchase Agreement with the City of Durham for 505 W. Chapel Hill Street. Considering the extensive amount of time that we have invested in relating with Mr. Vucannon and the Fallon Company over several years to lend our support and feedback in the development plans for this site -- and ultimately in support of this proposal -- we are disappointed by this recent development and that the Fallon Company did not communicate this update with us directly.
Much has changed in the world and our community since our last comments concerning the modifications to the Master Development Agreement seven months ago. What we hope has not changed are the commitments that the Durham City Council made to Durham CAN and the Durham community in response to our demands to see affordable and low-income housing, built on public land, near public transit, in the downtown core.
The Fallon Company’s assertions and alternatives raise a number of questions such as:
● Whether the City should obtain a new market analysis to affirm or deny Fallon’s claims that an almost $ 3 million price reduction is justified due to “market risk”?
● How would subdivision of the site impact the affordable housing restrictive covenants currently tied to the land in perpetuity?
● Whether the additional units under Alternative B could remain affordable in perpetuity?
● What -- if any-- impact would alternatives have on recent zoning changes made to the site or need for further zoning changes?
As we celebrate with neighbors moving into Willard Street Apartments while supporting those who struggle to find housing within their income range, we’re reminded of how important it is for Winn and the City to continue on the path of delivering the units of affordable housing as promised. We look forward to this afternoon’s presentation and learning how we move forward on this path together.
Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods