City Council Public Comments | 505 W Chapel Hill Street Sale

City Council Public Comments | 505 W Chapel Hill Street Sale

Date: October 5, 2020

To: Durham City Council

Re: Public Comments on City Council Consent Agenda Item #18 Proposed Conveyance of Property Located at 505 W. Chapel Hill Street to West Chapel Hill Development LLC 


The Fallon Company and WinnCompanies responded to our Public Comments Submittal for the September 25, 2020 City Council Work Session with a memo that addressed the concerns we raised about Exhibits D and F in the Master Development Agreement (MDA). We appreciate the changes that the Fallon Company and WinnCompanies made to Exhibit D, Section A.1.b Notice to Tenant in response to our concern that the total number of affordable units could fall below 80 units in the event that a household fails to recertify.

Durham CAN appreciates the transparent and collaborative way in which Ms. Stacey Poston and Ms. Summer Alston of the City’s General Services Department and representatives from the Fallon Company and WinnCompanies have worked with us to ensure the 505 project meets our mutual objective: a pioneering mixed-use development that delivers affordable housing and diverse small business opportunities downtown.  Based on the modifications that have been made to the MDA, we enthusiastically support the project.  We also look forward to seeing the proceeds from this sale invested in the creation and preservation of safe and affordable housing on the site of the former site of the Fayetteville Street apartments. 

We also hold deep concern and disappointment at the stark difference between the pace at which the 505 project moves forward compared to the delays in the disposition of City-owned, vacant lots in the Hayti community, including the 917, 702 and 704 Grant St lots and the community engagement program that you committed to create and implement in 2017 to provide meaningful opportunities for the Durham community to contribute input in connection with the redevelopment of the former site of the Fayetteville Street apartments and the surrounding area.  These are the types of projects that the City can and should be fast-tracking, and we look forward to working with you, City staff, affordable housing builders and affordable housing developers to see these projects move forward with a community-centered approach in the coming weeks and months.


Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods

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