Public Comment | Durham Housing Authority Annual Plan

Public Comment | Durham Housing Authority Annual Plan

DURHAM, North Carolina, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 -- On Monday, September 28th, Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods submitted comments to the Durham Housing Authority (DHA) Board of Commissioners regarding new Significant Amendments to the FY 2020 Annual PHA Plan, Admission & Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) Revisions, and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Administrative Plan Revisions, in advance of Wednesday’s Public Hearing.

“As a matter of justice, conscience and morality, we cannot allow a focus on the redevelopment of DHA’s properties through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) to excuse the exacerbation of deteriorating living conditions for Black and Brown mothers and their children (as documented in our attached photos and resident inspection forms); a system of predatory evictions--including the 80 evictions already filed by DHA in 2020--that often extracts fees from “low” and “very-low income” households that should never have been charged in the first place; recreation centers with no recreational opportunities or programming provided by DHA for the children living in those communities and experiencing the trauma of consistent and persistent violence.”

In 1998, the US Congress established the public housing agency (PHA) plan to ensure that public housing authorities, like DHA, are accountable to the local community for the choices it makes.  Our comments include recommendations to improve rent collection, inspection scores, internet access, landscaping needs, and the Resident Advisory Board.  They also raise concerns about the lack of resident notice, involvement, and feedback in the plan as required by HUD, including the approved demolition of McDougald Terrace buildings, the mixed finance/modernization proposal for Fayette Place, the JJ Henderson RAD conversion, and missing certifications re: Civil Rights and from State and Local Officials 

The comments (including resident comments, inspection photos and documentation) can be read in their entirety here.

PDF Version of Press Release

PDF Version of Comments to DHA